Sunday, February 17, 2008

Boring post

I dunno what to write about, so I will just start writing and hope something that isn’t totally boring will come up eventually. What is in my head right now? I’m thinking about writing something but I dunno what could I write that would be sort of interesting for ppl who might (I’m an incurable optimist :P), against all odds, come across this post.

I used to blog about Brian Joubert (Bijou). He is a sexy French skater, who is as old as me. And since I didn’t (and still don’t) have a boyfriend I had to obsess about someone. This sexy skater won every competition he entered in the 2007 season, but this year it seems he isn’t in the same top shape. He competed in the European Figure Skating Championship and came out third. The disappointing part about the performance (for me) was that he didn’t prepare a new program. He competed with the same outfit, music and moves as last year, and if I’m not mistaking, and the year before. It would have been nice to put a little more effort into it :P.

But the point of this entry isn’t Brian Joubert (if you’re still with me thanks for holding on) and this last passage was a sort of goodbye from that “obsession”. I still like him and I will eagerly watch his competitions, but I think I will blog about some other toys of mine.

Good bye, sexy skater. Take care!

PS: This entry isn't a keeper, it might not be here tomorrow too... I'll be my old self again shorty... To be continued

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